Printing from VDI Environments: Common Problems and Solutions

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Build your Print Environment

Confidentiality and data privacy is of paramount importance

VDI environments do not have significant security concerns

The advantages of virtualizing enterprise computing through data centers are many, however, there is only so much that can be virtualized! Unfortunately, printing is one of the process that just can’t be virtualized completely! Users require hardcopies as soon as they hit print from their computing devices.

This whitepaper will explore the most common printing related issues experienced in VDI environments, and some of the solutions for these problems, that are available in today’s market.

Topics covered in this Whitepaper

Driver Incompatibility

Slow WAN Speed

Location-Based Errors

Don't miss it !

Understand the challenges, ramifications and benefits of achieving a sustainable, solid, demonstrable VDI print infrastructure at the enterprise level.